
Comfort Through

Scroll down to learn more about WayLessSad and our community.


Raised for mental health charities


Raised in 1 year


Current online players


All-time highest players

Our Community

In this server, you'll find a diverse group of individuals who share a common interest in video games, multiplayer experiences, and fostering a supportive community.

Whether you're a casual gamer, a seasoned pro, or simply curious about our mission, there's a place for you here

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Our Moderation Team

Our dedicated team of experienced moderators work diligently to ensure that all community guidelines are upheld, and everyone feels comfortable and respected. Our moderators are extensively trained in handling various situations with care, empathy, and professionalism. They are here to enforce rules, address concerns, and assist whenever needed. If that sounds like you, join our team today!

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Give Us Some

We're a new company just starting out, and we highly value hearing from our community about what changes you'd like to see to help us achieve our mission. Please share any thoughts or suggestions here!